Benefits of Trees

The world’s forests are effectively the earth’s lungs. They absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide that circulates and purifies the atmosphere. Protecting those lungs is crucial if we are to defend the planet and fight global warming. This deforestation shall cause a Lung disease for the environment  like, respiratory problems latest is  Covid-19 is for human. It helps in saving the important species largely responsible for the increased risk of extinction due to deforestation . Plantation eliminates the risk of soil erosion that leads to nature calamity. Plantation provides 75% of the water through evaporation. Plantation  fight against climate change by removing CO2 from the atmosphere. Plantation saves  animal  life- 70% of the animal life lives in the forest.

  • A tree is a natural air conditioner. The evaporation from a single tree can produce the cooling effect of ten room-size, residential air conditioners operating 20 hours a day.
  • Tree windbreaks can reduce residential heating costs 10-15%; while shading and evaporative cooling from trees can cut residential air-conditioning costs 20-50%.
  • Urban landscaping, including trees, helps lower crime rates.
  • Studies show that urban vegetation slows heartbeats, lowers blood pressure, and relaxes brain wave patterns.
  • Girls with a view of nature and trees at home score higher on tests of self-discipline.
  • Homes landscaped with trees sell more quickly and are worth 5% to 15% more than homes without trees.
  • Where the entire street is tree-lined, homes may be worth 25% more.
  • Trees enhance economic stability by attracting businesses; people linger and shop longer when trees are present.
  • Where a canopy of trees exists, apartments and offices rent more quickly and have a higher occupancy rate; workers report more productivity and less absenteeism.
  • Trees provide inviting and cool areas for recreation and relaxation such as playgrounds and parks.
  • Trees create a tapestry of color and interesting form that changes throughout the year.
  • The color green is calming and relieves eye strain.
  • Trees screen unattractive views and soften the harsh outline of masonry, metal, asphalt, steel and glass.
  • People walk and jog more on shaded streets, which encourages interaction with neighbors and improves the sense of community.
  • Trees absorb and block sound, reducing noise pollution by as much as 40 percent.

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